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Project Sponsoring from your Employer


Many employers encourage their employees to participate community service and provide volunteer work in non-profit organizations. Such employers may provide some fund to support projects or events to Chinese School of Rochester when their employees is volunteering in the school. Please contact your employer to find out the details. 

United Way Gifts
Our Code: 2414


You can designate your United Way gifts to support our school. Simply include our agency code “2414” and address “Chinese School of Rochester P.O. Box 18153, Rochester, NY 14618-0153” on your United Way designation form.

Note: The school does not receive any funds from United Way from undesignated donations.

If you are currently contributing, or are planning to contribute, to United Way through your employer, you can simply set the designated agency to our school on you designation form.  

Fund Raising Activities

Parents, Teachers and Students Association (PTSA) organizes fund raising activities occasionally. You are welcome to participate these activities and support our school.

Cash/Check Donation

You can always make donation with cash. Receipts will be provided for your tax return purpose.

Want to know how your donation is used?

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